America’s consumer need better food-safety protection.
Over the past 20 years, Americans have experienced more than 1,500 major foodborne-illness breakouts, costing the nation about $150 Billion annually. Recent large-scale incidents involved E. coli-contaminated leafy green vegetables and salmonella-tainted ground beef. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues consumer advisories and recalls on various foods as needed, such as cheeses, dried fruits, nuts, peanut butter and soups.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, ever year, 76 million Americans are sickened, 300,000 Americans are hospitalized, and 5,000 die from preventable foodborne illnesses. Some experts note that the CDC’s estimates are based only on reported cases, but many more cases are believed to remain unreported.
Supermarkets and businesses that sell foods are legally obligated to comply with safety regulations. If foods customers purchase and eat are contaminated with noxious bacteria or contain foreign objects, marketers are liable for damages.
Anyone who believes they have been made ill by unsafe foods should:
- Seek immediate medical attention
- Retain original containers or packaging
- Refrigerate uneated food
- Save foreign objects
- Write a brief summary and photograph evidence, if possible
- Contact an experience attorney for counsel
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