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Thursday, August 07, 2014

What should I bring when I meet an attorney for the initial consultation?

When someone comes to our office, Buttafuoco & Associates, for an initial consultation, we want to do everything we can to help determine what his or her best course of action is.  To do this, we need information.  The items on the following list will help us determine whether or not there is a personal injury or medical malpractice case, how strong it is, and what sort of costs will be involved in pursuing it.  If you are meeting with us for an initial consultation, we like to see the following:

  1. Any reports filed about the incident, from your employer, law enforcement, injury/accident report or any other applicable source.
  2. Any related medical records, medical bills, physician reports, test results, prognoses, etc
  3. Estimated future medical costs
  4. Medical leave or lost wages records from your employer
  5. Copies of any correspondence or forms received related to the case.
  6. If there was property damage, photographic and video evidence of the dame
  7. Policy information and any claims information for insurance.
  8. A timeline of important dates including doctor's visits and treatments
  9. A written narrative about the accident, including all the details you can remember.

If you have been injured and would like to schedule your initial consultation visit or call 1-800-669-4878 today.

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